In addition to
relief distress of the poor,
we want to strengthen the evolution of a democratic political culture
in transition societies through education. (»
The Pharos expert team
has been working in this area since 1998 and has been focusing its
work on the region of Southeast Europe.
Its services are fee-based and all education projects are financed
exclusively through project funding provided by donor agencies.
Expert Team Services
Pharos expert team
offers its services individually or as a team on the basis of cost
recovery. These services comprise the following areas:
Training for effective project
management using the logical framework approach ...more
Training seminars on education for
democracy and peace ...more
Study trips to Bosnia and Herzegovina
EU simulation games in Southeast
Europe ...more
Coordination of a volunteer service
program in Bosnia ...more
In-service training for teachers (all
education levels) for the work with computers, Internet and Web 2.0
Training on the European Union for
different target groups ...more
Expertise for Southeast Europe ...more
IBAN: DE61600901000365860000
Education Projects
Pharos expert team has
been developing and implementing education programs in Southeast
Europe with different local partners since 1998. The core of its work
is the International UNESCO Education Server for civic, peace and
human rights education, an abundant and unique resource with
information and teaching materials in English, German and seven SEE
Please visit
for details and in order to get free access to the information and
teaching materials.