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Pharos e.V.
Rastatter Str. 22
70499 Stuttgart

Fon 0711-50436254




PHAROS e.V. - International Education Projects and Humanitarian Aid

    education projects humanitarian projects german  

Humanitarian Projects




Aim of our humanitarian projects is to relief distress. Poverty and social vulnerability are always consequences of a complex set of causes and circumstances. Pharos as a small charitable organization cannot change them, but is able to make life more bearable and human.

Our humanitarian aid projects are coordinated and administered exclusively through volunteer work of its members. There are no administration costs at all. The projects are funded in general through private donations.

Pharos is offering its donors a lively and very personal first hand reporting and an unusual degree of transparency in how the donated money is used.

 Overview of Humanitarian Projects

  • A life in dignity for an illegal mendicant ...more

  • Civil and social rights for people living in extreme poverty ...more

  • Human accommodation for homeless elderly people ...more

  • Agricultural development project – chicken breeding ...more

  • School transportation for children in Eastern Bosnia ...more

  • Motor saw for war victim ...more

  • Human accommodation for displaced couple  ...more

  • School lunch project ...more

  • Sponsorship for deprived children ...more

Young single mother with seven children in Sarajevo

Bisera M. is a young divorcee trying hard to survive with her seven children. Her only income is state child allowance, which is by far too little to feed her children.

Pharos is supporting her since 2005 thanks to regular contributions of godparents. Since the family became homeless in 2002, they were living in a damp, run down basement of 19 square meters.

A Pharos member bought a prefabricated house in Sarajevo in 2009, which is rented for unlimited time to the family. Pharos organised a humanitarian transport with furniture.

As long as the family is without sufficient income, Pharos is financing the rent.

Donations:  Pharos e.V.  -  BIC: VOBADESSXXX  -  IBAN: DE61600901000365860000

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